Chesterfield Inn Watching Brief

The project was conducted in August 2014 and consisted of an archaeological watching brief of trench excavations at the Chesterfield Inn in the City of Rockingham.  The project was requested by the Heritage Council of Western Australia in response to proposed construction for pipe works within the registered curtilage of the Inn. Archaeological material including ceramics, bottle glass, metal, animal bone and a single mirror shard were retrieved from the trenches.  An occupational debris pit containing archaeological material was recorded and preserved in-situ at the Inn.

Michelle Smyth Project Manager
Michelle began working as a professional archaeologist in Ireland in 2007 working initially as a General Operator and then as a Site Assistant on a number of commercial archaeology excavations and Technician Assistant throughout 2008.

Michelle joined the GJCRM team since 2010 working as a Field Manager and her current role is Project Manager for Echoes CHM, working with the Project Management team.

Michelle is involved in the planning, executing, and evaluating archaeological heritage surveys for specific projects. She also manages project teams, supervising field staff as required and ensuring quality control throughout the duration of each project. Michelle ensures that surveys run efficiently in the field by effectively managing field teams to achieve best possible outcomes for clients.

Michelle has contributed to numerous Aboriginal cultural heritage surveys in the Pilbara and her responsibilities have involved liaising with traditional indigenous land owners and proponent clients. She has also contributed to site avoidance heritage reports in the form of site descriptions and digital site plans. Michelle is a member of ECHM Management Team.

Project Staff

Michelle Smyth Project Manager
Michelle began working as a professional archaeologist in Ireland in 2007 working initially as a General Operator and then as a Site Assistant on a number of commercial archaeology excavations and Technician Assistant throughout 2008.

Michelle joined the GJCRM team since 2010 working as a Field Manager and her current role is Project Manager for Echoes CHM, working with the Project Management team.

Michelle is involved in the planning, executing, and evaluating archaeological heritage surveys for specific projects. She also manages project teams, supervising field staff as required and ensuring quality control throughout the duration of each project. Michelle ensures that surveys run efficiently in the field by effectively managing field teams to achieve best possible outcomes for clients.

Michelle has contributed to numerous Aboriginal cultural heritage surveys in the Pilbara and her responsibilities have involved liaising with traditional indigenous land owners and proponent clients. She has also contributed to site avoidance heritage reports in the form of site descriptions and digital site plans. Michelle is a member of ECHM Management Team.

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