Some exciting new works have been published regarding the study of Anatomically Modern Humans in Europe.
The works conducted by Kedar, Kedar & Barkai in Lazaret Cave, France and published in January 2022, offers a new understanding of early Hominin life ways by examining the placement of harths within the cave. The use of smoke simulators has suggested that the positioning of hearth within the cave is deliberate for optimal use and reduction of smoke inhalation.
Read the full article here.
Additionally, the recent publication of the work of Slimak et al., this week has further contributed to the exciting research into Hominin life by providing new dates for the migration of Anatomically Modern Humans (AMH) into Europe. The work stems from the excavation of Grotte Mandrin over the past 15 years, in which thousands of stone tools and skeletal remains were recovered. Of the Skeletal material, a large portion related to food waste and Neanderthal material however, the recent discovery and radiocarbon dating of a human tooth amongst the assemblage has excited researchers and potentially offers a new date for the presence of AMH in Europe and their engagement with our Neanderthal cousins.
Read the full Article here
Image credit: Philippe Psaila, Science.org